#4 Facebook boss apologises in UK and US newspaper ads

exploit (v.)
to use something in a way that help you
  • We need to make sure that we exploit our resources as fully as possible.
ruthlessly + exploit
  • The Japanese ruthlessly exploited the country and its people for 35 years .
tabloid (adj./n.)
(of or relating to) a type of popular newspaper with small pages that has many pictures and short, simple reports
  • He doesn't want this story to get into the grubby hands of the tabloid press .
daily + tabloid
  • The daddy was snoring noisily beneath the daily tabloid .
whistleblower (n.)a person who tells someone in authority about something illegal that is happening, especially in a government department or a company
  • Local authorities should have clear procedures to encourage staff whistleblowing.
protect + whistleblower
  • Leadership emphasis on protecting whistleblowers from retaliation.
scapegoat (n.)
a person who is blamed for something that someone else has done
  • The captain was made a scapegoat for the team's failure.
convenient + scapegoat

  • That is a convenient scapegoat , brilliant if it were true.
commissioner (n.)
an important official who has responsibility in a government department or another organization

  • All these departments are under the control of a municipal commissioner.
commissioner + responsible

  • The commissioner is not responsible for the truth of the statements made in the document!


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